Temps d'expérience






35 – 40

My name is Thiago Henry. I am a chemical engineer turned Airtable expert in the tech space. I lead Airvues Consulting, a team of skilled Airtable experts and web developers dedicated to delivering top-notch solutions. I aim to create world-class Airtable solutions and inspire others to do the same. I’m passionate about solving complex business challenges through creative solutions. Besides Airtable, I am an avid runner, snowboarder, and Olympic weightlifter. Fitness keeps me happy, motivated, and ready to tackle my career ambitions.

Distinctions et prix

2022 Moxie Award
2022 It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.
2024 Manifest Award
2024 It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.

Expérience professionnelle

Website Development
Togo Studio July 1, 2024 - Present Mauris nec erat ut libero vulputate pulvinar. Aliquam ante erat, blandit at pretium et, accumsan ac est. Integer vehicula rhoncus molestie.
Website Development
RiseUp 2019 - 2023 Mauris nec erat ut libero vulputate pulvinar. Aliquam ante erat, blandit at pretium et, accumsan ac est. Integer vehicula rhoncus molestie.


New York University
Master's July 16, 2024 - Present Mauris nec erat ut libero vulputate pulvinar. Aliquam ante erat, blandit at pretium et, accumsan ac est. Integer vehicula rhoncus molestie.
5.0 Base sur 1 reviews
Clarté des spécifications
Les exigences étaient claires, précises et bien structurées.
Réactivité, collaboration et proactivité dans toutes les interactions
Rapidité de paiement
Les paiements ont été effectués dans les délais et traités sans problème.
Très organisé, respectueux et soucieux de la qualité.
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